Understanding Attachment


A four-part series on categories of adult attachment

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Product Description

In This Series:

Attachment patterns act as invisible forces helping shape our lives, particularly our closest relationships. Our early attachment patterns are formed in childhood, but they become models for how we expect relationships to work throughout our lives. Once established, they have a significant  influence on everything from how we relate to our partner to how we parent our children. 

The good news is, it’s never too late to develop “earned secure attachment.” The attachment pattern you experienced as a child doesn’t have to define your ways of relating to those you love in your adult life. Understanding your patterns can be life-changing, because it offers you insight into how you developed in childhood, while revealing ways that you may struggle or feel limited in your adult relationships. By exploring both your early and adult attachment patterns, you can begin the process of  freeing  yourself of limitations and take actions to improve your close relationships. 

Dr. Lisa Firestone’s eye-opening webinar series on “Understanding Attachment” offers a free introductory overview of attachment theory followed by three CE webinars that take a deep-dive into each of the patterns of adult, insecure attachment. Participants will be invited to gain a richer understanding of their own attachment pattern, how it was shaped, how it affects them in their current lives, and how they can challenge negative patterns and begin the process of developing  earned secure attachment. 

This series will include:

1. Understanding Attachment: An Introduction

2. Understanding Dismissive-Avoidant Attachment

3. Understanding Anxious-Preoccupied Attachment

4. Understanding Fearful-Avoidant Attachment 


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