Helping Youth Cope With Perceived Racism, Prejudice and Bias


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Product Description

In this Webinar: 


Adolescence is a developmental period where youth explore and begin to understand their identity and racial identity.  However, for many youth, their interpersonal experiences of racism, prejudice and bias can be quite disorienting. In this training, attendees will have the opportunity to reflect on their experiences of working with youth and learn strategies that may be helpful for youth to navigate a culturally complex world, while decreasing negative physically, emotional, and psychological outcomes. Participants will learn strategies to discuss these topic areas with youth, and how to support youth to cope with complex cultural issues in developmentally appropriate ways.


Learning Objectives:

Objective 1: Identify different types of racial stress and trauma and the impact on youth mental health.  

Objective 2: Define implicit bias, reflect on their individual implicit bias(es), identify ways that implicit bias(es) may show up in settings that directly negatively impact youth.

Objective 3: Identify a minimum of 3 specific strategies for addressing racial stress and trauma and reducing implicit bias in the classroom, and learn strategies to discuss current events, race, racial discrimination, and racial trauma with youth. 


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