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Mindfulness in Everyday Life


Presenter: Dr. Donna Rockwell
Optional 3 CE Credits Sold Separately
90 Minutes

SKU: 2004 Category:

Product Description

Presenter: Dr. Donna Rockwell
3 CE Credits Available for additional purchase
90 Minutes

Earn 3 CE’s by watching the Webinar and reading an article by Dr. Rockwell.

Mindfulness is at the cutting edge of psychotherapy practice, recognized as the third wave of cognitive behavioral therapy. It is also a foundational element of humanistic-existential approaches to living a full and meaningful life. With its roots in Eastern wisdom traditions, mindfulness helps patients and clients, and clinicians themselves, implement stress reduction in the service of physiological, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being. This webinar will describe the four major psychotherapeutic interventions associated with mindfulness, as well as define and describe the meditative basis on which they are based. Attendees will be introduced to approaches to enhance their own presence in the therapy room as professional clinicians, as well as become familiarized with mindfulness interventions they can share with patients and clients.

Learning Objectives:

1. Participants will be able to identify Eastern & Western-based approaches to mindfulness-based clinical interventions, & to define mindfulness & the role it may play in efficacious clinical practice.

2. Participants will be able to discuss humanistic & existential ways of being-in-the-therapy room & the critical role of self-care in the lives of mental health practitioners.

3. Participants will be able to incorporate mindfulness-based stress-reduction techniques & approaches into working with patients in individual, couples, family or group therapy.


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