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Changing Your Attachment Style Through Psychotherapy


Presenter: Dr. Lisa Firestone
90  Minutes

SKU: 2023 Category:

Product Description

Presenter: Dr. Lisa Firestone
90  Minutes

3 CE Credits available for an additional $15 dollars. Purchase here

Individuals’ attachment styles can heavily influence many aspects of their lives from how they parent to how they love. While attachment style is shaped by early life experiences, it manifests throughout one’s life, impacting the social environment people create for themselves. As therapists, we can help people to identify their early attachment style and, ultimately, challenge ways it may limit them in their current lives. We can help them develop an “earned secure attachment” as an adult by building trust in the therapeutic relationship. In this Webinar, therapists can learn ways to work with patients and utilize psychotherapy to enhance one’s ability to form secure attachments. We can help clients to understand how their attachment style influences their lives and develop themselves in ways that will improve their interpersonal relationships.

Learning Objectives:

1. Help clients identify their early attachment style.
2. Recognize how early adaptation patterns shape a client’s attachment style and adult life.
3. Utilize the relationship in psychotherapy to enhance a patient’s attachment style.


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